
“Love It, Change It, or Leave It” - Decoding Silent Signals for Strategic Career Moves

Author: André L. Belleville




As an executive management coach with a desire for fostering growth and success, I've observed an increasing number of clients grappling with a pivotal career decision: when to consider moving within their company or taking the bold step of seeking opportunities elsewhere. For C-Level executives, whose contributions are integral to the organization, this decision is particularly nuanced, often obscured by the silent undercurrents of organizational dynamics. It's crucial to recognize these signals and understand the right moment for career advancement while staying true to one's core values of loyalty and integrity.


Identifying the Signals: When Change Beckons


Reorganizations and Leadership Changes: When companies undergo reorganizations, mergers, or acquisitions, the leadership landscape often shifts. If you find yourself suddenly sidelined or not included in critical discussions, it may signal that your role is being re-evaluated.


Stagnation in Role: Have you been exceeding expectations but without any new challenges or recognition? A prolonged period of stagnation might be a silent indicator that it's time to seek growth elsewhere.


Misalignment with Organizational Values: If there’s a growing disconnect between your ethical values and the company’s direction, this misalignment can be a critical sign that your tenure might be nearing its natural conclusion.


Lack of Sponsorship: In the echelons of executive leadership, having a sponsor or advocate is vital. If your sponsor leaves or you find yourself without one, your influence and prospects within the company might be at risk.


The Dilemma: To Stay or To Leave?


Pros of Staying Within the Company:

  • Familiarity and Networks: You have established relationships and understand the company's culture, which can be leveraged for future growth.
  • Brand Loyalty: Continued service can be seen as a testament to your loyalty and commitment, traits highly valued in leadership roles.
  • Influence and Impact: Your deep knowledge of the organization enables you to make significant contributions and drive impactful changes.


Cons of Staying Within the Company:

  • Limited Growth: Staying might lead to career stagnation if there are no further opportunities for advancement.
  • Complacency Risk: There’s a risk of becoming too comfortable, potentially hindering personal and professional development.
  • Echo Chamber Effect: Prolonged tenure can sometimes lead to a narrowed perspective, limiting exposure to diverse ideas and practices.


Pros of Moving Outside:

  • Fresh Challenges: A new environment presents opportunities to tackle fresh challenges, fostering personal and professional growth.
  • Broadened Perspective: Exposure to different corporate cultures and practices can enhance your leadership repertoire.
  • Career Acceleration: Moving to a new company can sometimes offer a quicker pathway to higher leadership positions.


Cons of Moving Outside:

  • Cultural Adjustment: Adapting to a new corporate culture can be challenging and time-consuming.
  • Risk of Misfit: There’s always a risk that the new environment might not align with your values and leadership style.
  • Relationship Building: You'll need to establish credibility and build new networks from scratch, which can be a daunting task.


Navigating Your Path: Staying in Control


To ensure you’re in control of your career trajectory, it's vital to regularly assess your position within the organization. Develop a personal SWOT analysis, aligning your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats with the company's direction. Foster a network of mentors and peers outside your organization for unbiased perspectives. Be proactive in seeking feedback and remain attuned to the subtle shifts in organizational dynamics.




The decision to stay or seek new horizons is multifaceted, requiring a careful balance of introspection and strategic thinking. As a committed and high-performing executive, it's imperative to stay vigilant to the silent signals while aligning your career moves with your core values of loyalty and integrity. Remember, in the realms of leadership, staying in control of your fate is not just about making the right move, but making the move right.


This decision-making framework, often attributed to Bert Hellinger, offers a succinct approach to career crossroads:


  • Love It: If your current role aligns with your values, challenges you adequately, and offers growth, then fully commit, and continue to foster success within your existing environment.
  • Change It: If you perceive room for improvement or unexploited opportunities within your role or organization, take the initiative to drive change. This might involve seeking new responsibilities, proposing innovative projects, or initiating cultural shifts.
  • Leave It: When alignment with your core values and personal growth is no longer feasible within your current setting, consider moving on. This step, while daunting, opens doors to new challenges and opportunities that align more closely with your personal and professional aspirations.


As an executive management coach, I guide my clients through this introspective process, ensuring their decisions resonate with their core values and career aspirations. In a rapidly evolving business landscape, it's crucial to remain agile, introspective, and aligned with your values, whether you choose to love it, change it, or leave it.



"Love It, Change It, or Leave It"- Beyond Choices, Craft the Right Moves

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